Minh Mang silver bar

No. 1. -
Reverse: The character
DINH, the name of the Dynasty.
No. 2. - Obverse: same
as before.
Reverse: plain. Coins made by the
king [][] TIEN-HOANG. White copper.
The former
Le Dynasty. - 981-1010.
General LE-HOAN ascended the throne
under the name of [][] THIEN-PHUOC, and,
following the policy initiated by his
predecessor, secured peace on the
frontiers by successful wars against
China and Ciampa.
His son and successor, called
LONG-VIET, was murdered by his brother
[][] NGOA-TRIEU, three days after he had
come to power. This prince, whose
conduct was extremely cruel and bad,
soon afterwards proclaimed himself king
and committed every kind of excess and
crime, inventing new tortures and
ruining the country in every way. With
his death the LE Dynasty came to an end.
No. 3. -
THIEN-PHUOC-TRAN-BAO, or provincial coin
of Thien-phuoc. At that time, as some
fifty years before in China, the
provinces of Annam were called
Reverse: The character
LE, the name of the Dynasty.
No. 4. -
Obverse: Only the character
LE in the lower part of the square hole.
Reverse: plain.
The above two coins were cast in the
5th moon of the 5th year of [][] DAI-HAN
(986). They were made principally of
white copper, and are rather smaller
than the ordinary Chinese cash.